When choosing wallpaper, you often have to deal with difficulties associated with their wide variety. Knowing their features, advantages and disadvantages will help make the right choice.
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One of their most popular species – paper wallpapers. Differ in accessibility in price, use of use. They also allow you to strengthen the soundproofing in the room, but they can serve relatively shortly.
In rooms with high humidity, it is convenient to use waterproof or washing wallpaper, the care of which does not cause much difficulty.
In texture, you can distinguish smooth wallpaper, embossed and multi -layer.
Materials for the manufacture of wallpaper also use the most diverse. For example, there are wood -based wallpapers, vinyl wallpapers, which are the achievement of the chemical industry. Such wallpapers are resistant to burnout, strength, elasticity and water resistance. To hide the irregularities of the surface, you can use silk -graphic vinyl wallpapers.
In the modern market, metal, “liquid”, glass, carpet wallpaper are also in high demand.
A careful study of the characteristics of a particular type of wallpaper, consultation on their use will contribute to the correct and efficient use.