Why insulate the foundation: Features of work

by iibuilder-news

The basis of any home is the foundation. A long life at home depends on the correct project of the foundation and the work on its bookmark itself. In many cases, the foundation can simultaneously perform the function of the basement wall. For a more comfortable living, good thermal insulation of the outer part of the foundation is necessary, especially in the part where it is in contact with the soil. Heat loss through the underground part of the house can in some cases be up to 1 \ 5 from the total heat loss of the entire building. If you have a heated basement, you will bypass many problems. For example, such as the formation of condensate on the walls, the appearance of mold and damp.

With good thermal insulation of the foundation and the walls of the building itself, it decreases greatly, and in other cases, the force of soil fluid from frost is completely extinguished. This is especially important when building a house on loamy and clay soils. Such types of soil are especially prone to frosty fusion, which can lead to the strongest deformation of the entire constructed structure.

At first glance, insulate the walls of the basement, which is not heated, a useless occupation. In the middle lane of Russia, the soil temperature at a two -meter depth is always positive (the minimum is +5*C, and the average is +8*s). So if the walls and the foundation are well and correctly and correctly, then in winter the temperature in the basement will never drop below +5*C.

Through the basement of the building (it is located above the basements), a noticeable heat loss also occurs. With poor insulation of the basement, you will always have cold floors in winter. This may first of all affect your health. Colds will haunt you all the cold part of the year. The floor temperature must be maintained at the level of air temperature in the room, in extreme cases, by just a couple of degrees. This is possible with good insulation of the foundation, base and walls of the building. Therefore, during construction, do not miss this moment and pay close attention to thermal insulation and the quality of materials for these works.

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