Hanging coatings in their modern engineering interpretation are a new type of structure, relatively little studied. Nevertheless, hanging coatings in the Soviet Union and abroad are becoming increasingly widespread. This is not random. In structures with large spans, these structures are to a certain extent outside competition, as the most economical and relatively easy in production. Possessing a number of excellent building qualities, hanging coatings are nevertheless very peculiar designs, the use of which cannot always be rational. Hanging coatings are characterized by a wide variety of types that sometimes have a very complex geometric shape. They are unequal and in their constructive essence. If your office needs to repair windows, then find out where to repair the windows can be inexpensive here. Under these conditions, the determining is the close connection of the architectural volume-planning and engineering and construction solutions, the correct definition and choice of the structural scheme and the main parameters of the structure, a comprehensive accounting of the functional purpose of the building. The integrated solution of these problems in structures with hanging coatings contains large reserves of savings. The development and improvement of cable systems and hanging shells, their widespread implementation in the practice of construction has, undoubtedly, a great national economic significance. The building of the Khi-concert hall “Ukraine” in Kharkov is a certain interest as an experimental building with a hanging coating of a large span.
Hanging coatings: what is it, distinctive features
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