Despite this, the platform vibrators originally created in Germany were not widely used. For research purposes, large vibrators were also created, which can compact incoherent sand to a depth of several tens of centimeters. The approximate rule for determining the depth of the compaction is: the depth of the seal is equal to the double width of the vibrator slab. For coherent soils, the depth of maximum compaction is equal to half of this value. The rollers equipped with vibrators are widely used in modern construction practice. Their advantage is that they move at speeds that are ordinary for other construction equipment, and are very maneuverable. Their disadvantages include the insignificance of the depth of the seal due to the small width of the contact area and in some cases too high speed, at which it is not possible to obtain a resonant regime even when the vibrator frequency corresponds to this regime. Some firms have introduced the regulation of the frequency of vibration of the rink, which is apparently advisable. The greatest recognition from the builders received a small self -propelled rink with a high frequency of oscillations and a slight speed of movement. It is effective for soft soils at small depths. Interest in vibrational sealing by builders and factories of construction equipment has appeared only in the past few years, and it can be hoped that research will lead to rapid progress in the creation of more perfect equipment. In the terminology through soil mechanics, a reduction in pores in the mass of soil is called either consolidation, then seal, then densification, or other terms.
Site vibrators: what is it, features