Cinching is the most reliable way to protect metal surfaces from corrosion. This method has been known for a long time, and the development of technology made it possible to withdraw its new level. Today, the zinc coating is applied in various ways, among which the most popular are hot zing, galvanic, thermodyffus, cold and gas -plated. The basis of cold zinc is based on the use of zincolonated composition. They are applied to the metal surface. These compounds after drying form a stable coating on the metal surface. High zinc content completely eliminates the formation of supply corrosion. Moreover, the obtained metal structures become supplied to the machining. Metal surfaces treated in this way are not toxic, they are used even in drinking water supply systems. During hot zincing, pre -processed metal structures are immersed in a container with molten zinc. The durable coating formed after cooling the product can withstand enhanced chemical and physical effects. This is a fairly common way of anti -corrosion protection is carried out. Thermodyffusion process occurs in a closed container. A powder zinc mixture is added to the processed surfaces of the metal at high temperature. This method is ideal for processing structures with complex forms and threaded connections. During galvanic zining, a thin layer of zinc is deposited to the metal surface under the influence of electric current. And with the help of gas -plated spraying, thermal -barrier, heat -insulating, porous coatings are created.
Zinc: what is how to do