Wallpaper on the walls become the main background for furniture and all other items of the interior of the room. When choosing wallpaper for a particular room, be sure to consider why the room itself is intended, with what furniture they should be combined, what an interior will be in this room and so on.
When choosing wallpaper, it must be taken into account that bright wallpapers with a motley pattern, quickly tire their vision and act on a person negatively. Therefore, try to avoid such colors in rooms intended for relaxation. Light wallpaper reflect the light and visually increase the space of the room. They are very good to use in small rooms with low ceilings. Wallpaper is dark, darken the room and visually reduce it. Wallpaper with a vertical pattern will increase the height of the room, and wallpaper with a horizontal pattern will create a feeling of low ceilings.
If the wallpaper has a pattern that is horizontally, then it will visually increase the volume of the room. Wallpaper with a large pattern and bright spots will give the room a feeling of tightness and isolation.
If you want to visually increase the room, then make one wall in it, a little lighter than the rest. The main thing is that when choosing wallpapers, remember that the color of the wallpaper you have chosen, in an atmosphere of a single room, will be the main one and will occupy the largest space. By the way, we advise you to purchase pine beds in the bedroom, which will successfully fit into the interior with the wallpaper you have chosen.
The color and quality of wall decoration play the most important role in the interior of the rooms. The criterion of color balance in the room is that the color of the walls should be slightly lighter than the floor of the floor and darker than the color of the ceiling.