Types of flat roofs: classification, how to choose a type

by iibuilder-news

As you know, in the architecture of residential and industrial buildings there are various options for the roof-one-, two, four-scanny, or a flat roof may act as a roof.

Its name does not display the architectural and construction features of this type of roof. In its design, in any case, a bias of two to five degrees is laid to prevent puddles and rainwater drainage.

Most often, this type of roof is used in industrial or administrative buildings. By the nature of the use, even roofs are divided into operated and non -operating views. In the first case, the roof can be involved as a warehouse, parking, or places of rest of people – a cafe, or restaurants. Based on the functionality of the roof, during its installation, strong building materials are used that can withstand the load. Also very often, all kinds of decorative materials, or finishing stones to give it a more perfect aesthetic species, can be led to the surface of the roof.

Unexplosive, flat roof, first of all, differs in a lower installation price and consumables. Flat slate, wood, concrete or reinforced concrete, metal products, etc. can be used as coatings. In addition, the service life of unexploited roofs is much greater than their variations used. A very attractive, from a design point of view, is a flat bulk roof created using polymer mastics, and having high indicators in chemical and mechanical stability. The surfaces of bulk roofs look quite homogeneous and seamless. In addition, they have high water resistance.

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