Everyone knows what ceiling wallpaper is, but few people know the fact that such wallpapers are produced only in our country. Often people confuse ordinary wallpaper with ceiling, but meanwhile they have a number of serious differences. Firstly, the ceiling have a vuuccular structure. In this case, on the front layer of paper, as a rule, there is embossing.
There are simply no ceiling wallpapers from foreign manufacturers, so do not be surprised that the manager in the construction store will not be able to find them. There are special wallpapers for painting foreign production, and they can be used as ceiling wallpaper. Just what is the meaning? Are more expensive, but they will not look better than special wallpaper designed for the ceiling.
Before gluing domestic ceiling wallpaper, they should be impregnated with glue. As a rule, on the packaging with both there are recommendations that allow you to do it right. At the same time, you should not pull with wallpaper sticking, otherwise they can crawl out corny. After that, the canvas is folded with an accordion with a pitch of thirty centimers, only a small free strip of the same thirty centimers is left. It is from this strip that you need to start sticking the wallpaper.
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