In each residential apartment or house, the toilet room is a specific room requiring competent and high -quality repair and arrangement to create comfort and maintain its functional purpose. A modern toilet room is able to surprise and delight with its original design, which has a beneficial effect on the human perception of this room as a decorated room. In addition, in a cozy and comfortable toilet, where each tile speaks of cleanliness and functionality, it is much easier and more pleasant to perform all physiological processes. That is why the performance of repair work in the toilet room plays a decisive role in human household life. And starting repair is best from the ceiling surface. The toilet is characterized by small dimensions, so the choice of finishes should be approached with particular care. If the room is narrow and the ceilings are high, then you should balance the proportions using a dark ceiling color. But to raise a low ceiling, white or any light tone, as well as a mirror coating, is suitable. When choosing lighting for the toilet, it should be remembered that yellow light helps narrow the space, and bright white – expands it. As a ceiling finish, you can choose a rack structure, which consists of a metal frame and steel racks. The silver or golden surface of the surface provides pleasant dispersion of light, visually increasing the sanitary room. An ordinary suspended ceiling is also suitable for the toilet, however, increased humidity in the room can be detrimental to the strength and functional properties of the metal.
Ceiling trim of the toilet: how to do it with your own hands
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