MDF – wood -fiber slabs having the average density, mainly focused precisely on the industry associated with the production of furniture. MDF manufacturers, in order to provide furniture companies with the necessary material, established the production of its various types. For this, thin plates are available for decorative purposes (with a thickness of 1.8 to 3 mm), flexible MDF, plates with various types of finishes, MDF with fibers that are painted and other types. Studies of marketers in this area revealed that every year the production of products of this species is becoming larger. This trend is noticeable both in the Russian market and in the world. Now, quite many companies are engaged in the production of MDF, but, despite this, for the new participants, there is no place yet. From the analysis of the MDF market over the past year, it is clearly that the main consumers of the plates are the construction and production of furniture. In construction, a variety of flooring are used. MDF produces Russian enterprises, and also import from other countries. Large, not so long ago built by chipboard, fiberboard, and MDF, are in a more favorable position, because they have lines with continuous presses, as well as other latest equipment. Products that are produced at these production, given the low cost of raw materials, has good competitiveness not only in the country’s market, but also on the foreign market. To advertise the Internet company from the MDF producer from MDF, web developers who provide turnkey website development can be the best. Studies were conducted on which, in 2011, in comparison with the previous year, the issue increased by 12%. In Russia, the volume of production of MDF amounted to 0.207 billion. M2. It is interesting that 47% of the total production falls on the Moscow region. In addition, Import MDF has increased. For example, in 2010, imports amounted to 63 million. sq. m. in the amount of 173 million. $. In 2011, this figure increased to 82 million. sq. m., The total cost amounted to 260 million. $.MDF production in our country is a promising direction. Experts believe that positive dynamics in this industry will persist for several more years.
MDF market development prospects: what will happen next
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